Following the success of the immersive Van Gogh exhibition in Barcelona and Seoul, the Meet Vincent van Gogh Experience is now on display in London and Lisbon.

From the creators of the dedicated Vincent van Gogh museum in the Netherlands, visitors are able to experience the story behind the art. Whilst it does not showcase the original artwork it allows you to immerse yourself into Van Gogh’s life-story using audio-visual techniques through the mean of listening to the story of Vincent’s life through his own words as well as being able to step into life-sized reproductions of the art.

Replica of Van Gogh's bedroom

It is a celebration of his work and his life, but does not ignore the troubles that Van Gogh faced throughout his life, and explores themes of mental health that the artist himself battled.

Nothing in the experience is off limits, meaning that you are physically allowed to get up close and personal to the art pieces. You can touch the art replicas meaning you can explore the technique of his brush strokes. It is also possible to put yourself in the artworks with the life-size replicas of his bedroom and the at the Potato Eaters’ table.

Meet Vincent van Gogh

The experience allows you to go further than the traditional museum visit can take you, for this reason I would highly recommend a visit if you want to educate yourself on the life of Vincent van Gogh. Whilst this exhibition is good in allowing visitors to immerse themselves in his work, I do believe that to build on the experiences you have here it would be beneficial to go see the artworks in real life, for example going to see Sunflowers at the National Gallery.